WebTools is a collection of useful tools and utilities that people often search for on the web. It has a lot of amazing tools that your users can use in their day-to-day tasks. We will keep adding new tools in updates.

WebTools is built with the Latest Laravel 10 framework and PHP 8.1+ with its massive performance boost. The app is fully responsive and based on the Latest Twitter Bootstrap 5 to ensure that your website will look flawless and beautiful on every mobile and desktop device.

Change Log:

# 1.0.0 (2024/06/03)

- First release


  1. Easy to install and customize
  2. Simple and clean design
  3. No Coding skills are needed.
  4. No use of database
  5. Works perfect on shared hosting
  6. Comes with Ad space, so just paste your ad code
  7. Fully optimized for mobile, desktop, or tablet
  8. Google Adsense Friendly
  9. Fully customizable from the dashboard

You can check the admin panel from:https://webtools.codingtrium.com//admin

Username: admin



  1. PHP version 8.1 or higher.
  2. Apache server.
  3. The following PHP extensions should be installed and enabled:
  4. Ctype
  5. cURL
  6. DOM
  7. Fileinfo
  8. Filter
  9. Iconv
  10. Intl
  11. Json
  12. Hash
  13. Mbstring
  14. OpenSSL
  15. PCRE
  16. PDO
  17. Session
  18. Tokenizer
  19. XML
  20. mod_rewrite enabled.
  21. These files and folders must be writable:

+ /public_html

+ laravel/config/settings.php

+ laravel/lang

+ laravel/.env

This app uses Laravel 10, so check the documentation for more details.


1. Please make sure all requirements are fulfilled before purchasing this app. We won't be responsible if the app cannot run on your server properly

2. The app cannot be installed in a subfolder


Upload, extract, and run the app.

More details about the installation process and configuration are all included in the documentation. Please check the support section of my profile, feel free to suggest new features, ask questions, and do anything else related to this item, and don't forget to rate!


Scripts & Codes
First release
03 Jun 2024
Last Update
12 Jul 2024
Files Included
.php, .css, .js, .cs, .c
Software version
PHP 8.1
MySQL 5.x
HTML / CSS Framework
Little John
Little John

Little John


See Profile